Our journey began in 2012...
In 2012, fueled by his passion for athletics, David An, the visionary behind CITRUN OIL, set out on a mission to tackle a recurring problem faced by him and his fellow athletes - the quest for a 100% natural, non-chemical moisturizer capable of enduring their demanding daily training. Traditional moisturizers fell short, either being overly oily or water-based, which easily washed away by sweat.
After a rigorous process of trials, receiving invaluable feedback from trusted fellow athletes, and numerous reformulations, CITRUN OIL was finally perfected in 2020. Using 100% premium natural plant oils, the formulation ensures a non-oily feel on the skin, while an exceptional blend of antioxidants, omega-3, and omega-6 works harmoniously to nourish, hydrate, refresh, and rejuvenate the skin. Additionally, the invigorating combination of menthol and refreshing citrus aids athletes in achieving heightened mental and sensory acuity.
What initially began as a word-of-mouth recommendation among a close-knit group of passionate athletes has now evolved into an official launch in 2020, embarking on a journey to assist athletes in all disciplines to reach their peak performance and mental acuity. CITRUN OIL stands ready to empower athletes on their path to optimal equilibrium and excellence.